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    Clinical Supervision


    I provide supervision to Associate Counselors seeking full licensure as Professional Counselors in New Jersey! I hold an ACS credential and have over 10 years of supervisory experience.

    My approach to supervision is based on the development of a mutually respectful and professional relationship. I utilize a developmental and integrated model of supervision. A primary goal is to establish a working alliance, with the goal of supporting the development of your self-awareness and skills as a professional. Attention is paid to case conceptualization, diagnostic evaluation, treatment planning, ethical and legal issues, multicultural and diversity considerations, record keeping and termination. Supervision is based on one of the following forms of observation or a combination of the following forms: direct/live observation; co-therapy; audio or video recordings; and/or live supervision.  Written materials and self-reports by the supervised counselor-in-training may supplement the supervision process but shall not be the sole basis of any supervision session.

    My supervision draws from person-centered, cognitive-behavioral, narrative and systems theoretical models.  As your supervisor, I will encourage you to consider your thoughts, your behaviors and your feelings as you conduct counseling sessions and interact with your clients.  My supervision encompasses the roles of teacher, consultant and counselor to assist you with your own development as a counselor.  (Please note that I will not serve as your own personal counselor; rather, I will take on appropriate counseling behaviors to assist you in your development as a professional counselor).  The supervision you will be offered will be developmentally appropriate for you so that it matches your level of experience and your therapeutic abilities.  The supervision you receive will include discussions about cultural context, your own, the supervisor’s and the client’s, and how these affect the counseling and supervision relationships of which you are a part.  The supervision you receive will be sensitive to your personal goals for yourself as a counselor and will be consistent with how you conceptualize client issues theoretically.  You will be challenged and supported throughout supervision.  You will be treated with respect.

    The Goals of Clinical Supervision:

    • To work together to facilitate in-depth reflection on issues and items affecting practice and client care
    • To develop professionally and personally in order to increase clinical expertise
    • To place client needs first and foremost, and then the development of the professional needs of the supervisee
    • To develop individual and customized goals for the supervisee to enhance professional skills and personal improvement
    • To address issues of transference and counter-transference in the counseling relationships as they arise for the supervisee
    • To follow and abide by the Code of Ethics of the State of New Jersey, the ACA and ACS in our work together, as well as any professional governing associations to which you may belong

    Confidentiality: It is our joint responsibility to maintain the highest level of confidentiality for clients. They need to be informed of exceptions to confidentiality, including being informed of supervision. Clinical supervision records maybe subject to subpoena by the courts or viewed by your employer if clinical supervision is a part of the employment contract. Clinical supervision records demonstrating dates, times and duration of supervision appointments are available upon request for employers or professional boards.